IED launches a project to make STEM careers more visible among women
IED professionals will participate in different activities to inculcate science and technology to students.
A group of female engineers and colleagues from IED have promoted and launched a new project aimed at promoting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) careers among women.
“Although there is an increasing female presence in this type of careers, and in companies, the ratio is still low. We have to break stereotypes of the past and promote technology careers among women from school. Getting to know a real company, such as IED, is a good practice to visualize the attractiveness of these professions and break this existing gender gap”, says María Beloqui, Head of Business Development at IED.
As a first action, IED has already received the first group of 4th year ESO students from Eunate and Iturrama High Schools, who were able to learn first-hand about the main R&D projects being carried out by the company. “We found it a very inspiring day in which we understood much more about what an engineering company is like,” said the students.
Through visits to the company, talks in schools and training activities, the IED employees will continue to bring STEM careers closer to the professionals of the future.